A Day to Celebrate Women

If you were alive and breathing last Thursday, you would (READ : SHOULD) have known it was International Women’s Day. Now being a woman myself, I’d like to think I know quite a bit about the female species from experience. I know that we are able to have children which is not something any human can do. We can multitask like no other, we can wear makeup, and we tend to live longer then men. Why would you not want to celebrate women when they can do so much?

Though it’s usually not on the top of everyone’s list for favorite holidays/days, it is oh so very important. It is our duty to pay homage to the women who got us where we are today. Without women like Marie Curie, Mother Teresa, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Rosa Parks we wouldn’t have some of the things we have if they hadn’t chosen to take a stand for something they believe in or in Marie Curie’s case, we wouldn’t have things like X-Ray machines which is something everyone utilizes. Whether or not you realize it, women have made it possible for us to make a large amount of advances that we have. Having this day to celebrate women is another day to show how powerful women are. As a woman you can do anything you put your mind to and that in itself is amazing. You can never remind women too much about that fact. In addition, having International Women’s Day helps to encourage young women to follow their dreams. It reminds them that you can do anything you put your mind to and to not let anything or anyone s get in your way.

So looking back at last Wednesday it’s not just to celebrate all the good women have done, but to remind us of how far we still have to go. Maybe if people only realized how much the women of our past have helped us get us to where we are, it would help us make strides toward the future. Until then, I’ll be wearing my red and supporting the women around the world, International Women’s Day and the other 364.


Image courtesy of Pixabay.com

What I’ve Learned on My Journey as a PR Major.

So you hear of the career “Public Relations”, do you know what that entails? According to Renee Blodgett, “public relations in its true sense is about human connections and the art of mastering human connections at a deep level. In the early days of PR, it was about relationships with not just the press but communities in various forms – the difference was that these audiences were not online. When played from a place of passion and purpose, public relations in the new world will not only take social media, branding and marketing to the next level, but will elevate the people and products that are changing the world.” Public relations these days is so much more than its traditional definition. With a public relations degree, you can land jobs like a publicist, corporate spokesperson, copywriter, media planner, event coordinator, investor relations, etc. Now this sounds like a fun career path, but there are many things that you don’t know when going into the field. Now I can’t speak from personal experience because I’m not an actual public relations professional yet, but can let you know a little bit about what it’s taken for me to get here and what I know won’t change over time.

  1. You’ll have absolutely no time. Right now I have it pretty tame. I write about ten different piece of copy a week. Some longer than others, but nonetheless ten pieces of copy to write can be a little daunting at times. I know that if I choose something in the copywriting or publishing section of public relations I need to snap myself out of it and realize that 10 pieces of copy is a breeze. I’m sure I’ll look back and laugh about when I thought I had it rough in college.
  1. All of your copies will start to sound the same. Now I’m getting assigned many diverse and different topics to write about each week, but I still find it hard to not have them all sound the same. Since I’m working on many at once, I think it confuses my brain into merging them all together. I definitely need to devote more time in learning how to spice up my writing.
  1. You’re going to edit, and re-edit, and edit again. Basically, you’re going to edit so much that when you think you’re done, you’re going to have to edit it some more. Your final copy is going to be edited so much that you should be surprised if it sounds anything close to your original. However, all of the editing is necessary. The good thing is that the more that is edited, the more you learn how to better your writing skills and approach.
  1. You have to be extremely good at multitasking. Public relations is no joke when it comes to multitasking. You are without a doubt going to have a million and one things that you have to be working on and managing at once. It’s literally your job to make sure it gets sorted out and completed before a deadline. That’s why you get paid. You can’t afford to drop the ball. Make sure you have that skill mastered before stepping foot in a public relations role.

As I go through my time in college pursuing a degree in public relations, I’m sure I’ll learn many more tips and tricks. However, right now I’m working on learning how to hone my skills in the categories listed above. Once I have those down, I will be ready and more than willing to tackle more. One thing is clear, I cannot wait until I get to show off my skills in the real world. Lookout out, public relations world!




Image courtesy of pixabay.com

A Letter to My Future Daughter…

With all of the media surrounding women’s rights at this time it really made me think about where I stand on these issues. More importantly, it made think about how broken and divided our would is at this exact moment. At anytime these days you can find someone who doesn’t believe they’re being treated fairly and like they don’t have the support they deserve. That honestly breaks my heart. When it comes to women, we are used to hanging out in the background, but in all reality we have a lot to be proud of. Being a female is a great and unique thing. I don’t want anyone to feel like being a female is anything less than extraordinary. This had me really thinking, the person I would want to know to embrace being the wonderful female that you are would be my future daughter. Here’s what I have to say:


Dear future daughter (whoever you may be),littlegirl2

There are so many things I want to tell you. I want to tell you how special you are and how you have a support system like no other behind you. There shouldn’t be a second in the day where you feel alone. I am always here for any need you might have. I have managed to come up with a couple key points to show you how I feel about who you are and who you’ll become.

You are beautiful. Now I know there shouldn’t be any reason why you would need reassurance on that, I’m here to tell you. There are going to be times when you have too many pimples, or questionable hairstyles, or less than attractive wardrobe choices, but you and your journey to get to who you are has made you beautiful. You don’t need any kind of validation. Know in your heart that what is most beautiful is inside of you and that can’t be changed. Although a small obsession with cosmetics like your mother is totally normal too for when you feel like your day could use some color to your lips or a little more highlighter.

You are strong. There is no doubt in my mind that you’ll go through things in life where you feel as though you can’t come out victorious. I’m here to tell you that if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. You will be tried time and time again based on your opinions and your beliefs, but stay true to yourself. Never let anyone tell you differently and stand up to anyone who tells you otherwise.

You are smart. You will succeed at anything you want to if you work for it. Keep your head up and stay focused. Stay in school and try your best because you want to make a good life for yourself. Use your brain to decipher between right and wrong and use that as a guide. I may not agree with you at all times, but I respect you for your opinion and the fact that you can sustain them for yourself. I would just be proud to have a daughter who is steadfast in her beliefs.

You are brave. You can get through anything. Stand up for yourself because what you believe in has value. Fight for the greater good in the world and don’t give up. Help others even when you know others will not follow suit. Pave your own way and don’t look back.

You are loved. You are absolutely, most definitely loved. Do not think for a second that my stance on that will ever change . From the bottom of my heart I will always love and be proud of the woman you have and will become. I can’t believe I would be so lucky to have a daughter who is an individual and who has her own brain and her own thoughts. I am so incredibly proud to call you mine.


       your supporter, life-giver, teacher, confidant, number one fan,

xo  mom

Image courtesy of pixabay.com

Who says diamonds are a girl’s best friend? My vote is on makeup!

        “The most beautiful makeup for a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.”

Yves Saint Laurent


Makeup is can be defined many ways. To some it could be expressed as just another routine, to others it is a form of art. Nonetheless, it is one of the oldest forms of self-expression in women. Over time the formulas and ingredients have changed, but the idea and purpose of makeup has remained the same. The style of makeup has become so versatile to that just about anyone can pull it off.

Makeup is a great asset everyday life. As mentioned above it’s versatility is an extremely good quality that has kept it relevant throughout the years. Honestly, there are so many different types and kinds out there that it would honestly fit any occasion. It can be anything from a simple everyday look to makeup where you are transformed into looking like another person. Another benefit of makeup is that it is a self confidence booster. You can make yourself look anyway you want to when it comes to makeup. That is a freedom that many women flock to and want to possess. On any given day you can change the way you look or feel based on how you paint your face. Speaking of painting your face, applying makeup is just that. It is an expression of art. You aren’t tied down to just the everyday type of makeup, there are people that do many different types of makeup very artfully. There are many shows, vlogs, etc. that show how to do many different types of makeup to look many different ways.

I think that if you put in the time and the effort, makeup will really give back to you. It’ll let you get out your creativity by using it as artistic expression. It really is a craft you have to work on. The more you work on it, the better you’ll be. You’ll be surprised what you can do!


Sleep. Eat. Makeup. Repeat.